18 JAN 2013 by ideonexus

 The Anti-Relativity Movement

America's embrace of Einstein stood in stark contrast to the treatment he was getting at home. Right-wing relativity deniers, like modern American climate science deniers, mounted ad hominem attacks against Einstein and his theory, which they loudly branded a "hoax." They were led by an engineer named Paul Weyland, who formed a small but mysteriously well-funded group that held anti-relativity rallies around Germany, denouncing the theory's "Jewish nature," and culminating in a major event at...
Folksonomies: antiscience denial
Folksonomies: antiscience denial
  1  notes

Just as there are Climate Change Deniers today, there were those who would not accept Einstein's Theory for political reasons.

11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Nobel Prizes

The capital ... shall form a fund, the interest of which shall be distributed annually as prizes to those persons who shall have rendered humanity the best services during the past year. ... One-fifth to the person having made the most important discovery or invention in the science of physics, one-fifth to the person who has made the most eminent discovery or improvement in chemistry, one-fifth to the one having made the most important discovery with regard to physiology or medicine, one-fif...
Folksonomies: nobel prize
Folksonomies: nobel prize
  1  notes

As described by Alfred Bernhard Nobel in his will.